I don't believe there is any more to it than what has already been said. Rifter is a pretty private guy, you now know as much as the rest of the JWR admin team.
Mickey mouse
JoinedPosts by Mickey mouse
Message from Designer Stubble to the former JWR members
by Designer Stubble inmessage from designer stubble to the former jwr members.
first of all i am glad to see that many of you have found your way to this great forum, facilitated by simon.
i am sure that after the dust of the jwr shutdown has settled, you will find this to be a good new home.. i would like to apologize for the sudden closure of jwr.
Welcome y'all from JWR - any questions?
by Simon ini just wanted to take a minute to say "hi" and welcome to the site for anyone who's come here from jwr.
i can imagine the site being shut down suddenly was shocking and unsettling for many who relied on it and sometimes you don't realize how much you do rely on something until it is gone.. hopefully you'll see some of the same familiar names appearing and be able to reconnect with people you knew via this site and continue your journey together.
i don't know what the posting policies on jwr were but know it as a moderated site so can't imagine them being hugely different to the ones here.
Mickey mouse
Hi Bonsai there were very few theists at JWR. We had a strict policy of not allowing preaching so we tended not to attract the evangelical type.
JWR usernames list
by StarryNight9 ini created this thread so that jwr members can list their old jwr username with their username for whatever site they've moved to.
i apologize if this has already been created somewhere else.. jwr = starrynight.
jwd = starrynight9.
Mickey mouse
Mickey mouse both here and at JWR.
Message from Designer Stubble to the former JWR members
by Designer Stubble inmessage from designer stubble to the former jwr members.
first of all i am glad to see that many of you have found your way to this great forum, facilitated by simon.
i am sure that after the dust of the jwr shutdown has settled, you will find this to be a good new home.. i would like to apologize for the sudden closure of jwr.
Mickey mouse
Gargamel I agree that having an announcement thread giving notice would have been the right way to go about it. As I've said on other threads I was very aware of how I felt when Simon announced the closure of this place 8 years ago and if he'd have done it without warning given the position I was in at the time I would have been devastated.
I honestly don't think Rifter foresaw this. He never said "I know people will be upset but stuff it I'm doing it this way anyway". I don't know whether that's better or worse really. When I said that the nature of the closure would cause anger and upset that was neither acknowledged nor discussed. I assumed everyone else thought I was wrong. I am reminded of Asch's conformity experiments, in future I will endeavour to be a louder lone voice of dissent!
I am glad people are finding their way here and working through their feelings and emotions together.
Hi Everyone
by Wayward ini just came over from jwr.
a little background: my mom converted to the witnesses when i was five.
i was baptized at 14, was mentally out by 18, and successfully faded by the time i was 25. mom and both my younger sisters and their families are still in.
Mickey mouse
Welcome Wayward.
FayeDunaway it is having close family still in that drives my need to keep tabs on Watchtower antics.
Welcome y'all from JWR - any questions?
by Simon ini just wanted to take a minute to say "hi" and welcome to the site for anyone who's come here from jwr.
i can imagine the site being shut down suddenly was shocking and unsettling for many who relied on it and sometimes you don't realize how much you do rely on something until it is gone.. hopefully you'll see some of the same familiar names appearing and be able to reconnect with people you knew via this site and continue your journey together.
i don't know what the posting policies on jwr were but know it as a moderated site so can't imagine them being hugely different to the ones here.
Mickey mouse
LOL cantleave 😁
Thanks for making everyone welcome Simon 👍
Message from Designer Stubble to the former JWR members
by Designer Stubble inmessage from designer stubble to the former jwr members.
first of all i am glad to see that many of you have found your way to this great forum, facilitated by simon.
i am sure that after the dust of the jwr shutdown has settled, you will find this to be a good new home.. i would like to apologize for the sudden closure of jwr.
Mickey mouse
I don't think I can explain any further. But unlike the rest of the JWR staff I am not done with my ex-JW journey. Take care DS and go well.
Message from Designer Stubble to the former JWR members
by Designer Stubble inmessage from designer stubble to the former jwr members.
first of all i am glad to see that many of you have found your way to this great forum, facilitated by simon.
i am sure that after the dust of the jwr shutdown has settled, you will find this to be a good new home.. i would like to apologize for the sudden closure of jwr.
Mickey mouse
TB I did not say I had no part in the decision. I said I disagreed with it and I voiced that in the discussion. I was not alone in expressing the opinion that it would be better off the site was left up but not live. I voiced the opinion that the sudden closure would cause anger and upset.
I didn't concede because of loyalty. I conceded because it wasn't my site, my decision. In my experience Rifter isn't the sort of person to alter his decisions once made so I didn't hold out much hope of persuading him otherwise.
Jehovah's Witness Recovery is no more...
by TimeBandit ini just tried to go to the site and there is a goodbye message.
i was a member there since 2010. i was really surprised.
i had just started posting there again after being away for a while.
Mickey mouse
I'm not defending the decision TimeBandit it was flat out wrong. I'm just asking that people don't heap blame on DS. It wasn't his decision.
And I totally understand people's anger and upset.
Jehovah's Witness Recovery is no more...
by TimeBandit ini just tried to go to the site and there is a goodbye message.
i was a member there since 2010. i was really surprised.
i had just started posting there again after being away for a while.
Mickey mouse
It really was predominantly the need to move on from all things JW and the feeling that if the site was still up he wouldn't be able to move on. And yes, a few members engaged in behaviour that was very wearing for the whole team. I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Rifter had obviously been dwelling on this for a while even though he only gave the rest of the admin/mods a few days notice. And yes I appreciate that's more than the rest of you got. I did not think it was my place to go against his request and announce the forum was closing and given that everyone else was in the dark it felt inappropriate to me to start a personal goodbye thread so I kept quiet.
My sincere apologies for my part in that.